
Last updated on January 01, 2023

Below are our dummy Privacy & Policy, which outline a lot of legal goodies, but the bottom line is it’s our aim to always take care of both you, as a customer, or as a seller on our platform legal goodies, but the bottom line is it’s our aim to always take care of both you, as a customer, or as a seller on our platform

licensing policy

Four Symmetron has been actively fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR in form of volunteering, support, resource fundng and empowering underprivileged and marginalized groups of Nepal. As Nepal is a developing country , it lacks several social infrastructures that are considered basic in most parts of the world. It is crucial for businesses to help the communities so that the situations improve . We believe in ‘People for People’ . When you partner with us , you are not just signing up for a great business deal, but also are being part of a noble cause that supports and enriches lives of people living in lesser circumstances.

privacy policy

Four Symmetron has been actively fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR in form of volunteering, support, resource fundng and empowering underprivileged and marginalized groups of Nepal. As Nepal is a developing country , it lacks several social infrastructures that are considered basic in most parts of the world. It is crucial for businesses to help the communities so that the situations improve . We believe in ‘People for People’ . When you partner with us , you are not just signing up for a great business deal, but also are being part of a noble cause that supports and enriches lives of people living in lesser circumstances.

additional policy

Four Symmetron has been actively fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR in form of volunteering, support, resource fundng and empowering underprivileged and marginalized groups of Nepal. As Nepal is a developing country , it lacks several social infrastructures that are considered basic in most parts of the world. It is crucial for businesses to help the communities so that the situations improve . We believe in ‘People for People’ . When you partner with us , you are not just signing up for a great business deal, but also are being part of a noble cause that supports and enriches lives of people living in lesser circumstances.

Four Symmetron has been actively fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR in form of volunteering, support, resource fundng and empowering underprivileged and marginalized groups of Nepal. As Nepal is a developing country , it lacks several social infrastructures that are considered basic in most parts of the world. It is crucial for businesses to help the communities so that the situations improve . We believe in ‘People for People’ . When you partner with us , you are not just signing up for a great business deal, but also are being part of a noble cause that supports and enriches lives of people living in lesser circumstances.

Four Symmetron has been actively fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR in form of volunteering, support, resource fundng and empowering underprivileged and marginalized groups of Nepal. As Nepal is a developing country , it lacks several social infrastructures that are considered basic in most parts of the world. It is crucial for businesses to help the communities so that the situations improve . We believe in ‘People for People’ . When you partner with us , you are not just signing up for a great business deal, but also are being part of a noble cause that supports and enriches lives of people living in lesser circumstances.

Four Symmetron has been actively fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR in form of volunteering, support, resource fundng and empowering underprivileged and marginalized groups of Nepal. As Nepal is a developing country , it lacks several social infrastructures that are considered basic in most parts of the world. It is crucial for businesses to help the communities so that the situations improve . We believe in ‘People for People’ . When you partner with us , you are not just signing up for a great business deal, but also are being part of a noble cause that supports and enriches lives of people living in lesser circumstances.